

About us

An equal voice to be heard and valued

Barnet Mencap was established in 1965 and for over fifty years it has provided advice, information and support for people with a learning disability and autistic people and their family carers.

Barnet Mencap provides a range of services for children and adults. We campaign with people with a learning disability and autistic people and their families to secure high quality services and support in the borough.

Barnet Mencap is the leading charity for children and adults with a learning disability and their families in the London Borough of Barnet.

A learning disability can be described as, "a reduced intellectual ability and difficulty with everyday activities – for example household tasks, socialising or managing money – which affects someone for their whole life."

People with a learning disability tend to take longer to learn and may need support to develop new skills, understand complicated information and interact with other people. 

We offer a wide range of supported holidays for adults with a learning disability and autism. Check out our Just Holidays page for more information.

The Short Breaks Service received the CQC rating 'Good'. To view our latest CQC inspection report, for May 2019, please click here.

Our Carbon Reduction plan and record of 2023-24 carbon emissions can be found here.

The website includes news from Barnet Mencap, information about staff and any current job vacancies.

Barnet Mencap is a Hate Crime Reporting Centre. If you would like to find out more about this, please click here.

There is also information about our finances, how we raise the money to run the projects and how people can make donations to Barnet Mencap.

Barnet Mencap Accounts

Barnet Mencap’s report and financial statements for the year ending 31st March 2023

Barnet Mencap’s report and financial statements for the year ending 31st March 2022

Barnet Mencap’s report and financial statements for the year ending 31st March 2021

Take a look at our policies on Safeguarding Adults at Risk and Child Protection

To find out more or if you have any questions please email us at projectsupport@barnetmencap.org.uk or call us on 020 8349 3842.

Being… James

January 11, 2024
James with a dog
I have worked for Barnet Mencap and on our newsletter for over 12 years – now that I am leaving, I felt this was a good […]
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Become a member today!

November 2, 2023
If you support Barnet Mencap, have you thought about becoming a member? For £15 per year (or £5 if you aren’t in work, you could become […]
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