Cancer Screening Information and Resources
Improving Cancer Screening for People with a Learning Disability
The number of people with a learning disability going for cancer screenings is too low. If you, or somebody you support, may benefit from a cancer screening, find out more with the video and resources below.
We've got a little quiz below to test how well you know the process of cancer screenings for people with a learning disability! Don't worry if you aren't too familiar with the process - hopefully our video will be able to answer any questions you do have.
Please watch this video on cancer screenings for people with a learning disability to find out the common symptoms to look out for, who's eligible for a screening, what to expect at a screening, and the reasonable adjustments that can be made.
This video covers bowel, breast and cervical cancer screenings.
For people with a learning disability, attending a cancer screening can be challenging. We have created a guide to help family carers and support workers to encourage people with a learning disability to attend an appointment for breast, bowel and cervical cancer screening.
The leaflet has helpful information about Easy Read resources and reasonable adjustments that can be requested for patients with learning disabilities. It also has local information about where screenings are done and how to book an appointment.
You can view the leaflet online here: Family Carer Guide to Cancer Screening for People with Learning Disabilities
Produced by The Elfrida Society for people with a learning disability in North Central London.
You can view the leaflet online here: Easy Read Cancer Screening Leaflet for People with a Learning Disability
If you would like a hard copy of the leaflet, please get in touch with us by email or phone, or visit our office.
For more information on the topic of cancer screenings for people with a learning disability, we would recommend the following Easy Read resources.
Cervical Screening
Easy Read Cervical Screening Invitation Letter: An Easy Read letter which explains what a cervical screening is, why it is important to attend, how to make an appointment for screening at your GP surgery and what will happen during the appointment.
This is in a Word document for GP Practices to download and as a PDF for community learning disability services and people with a learning disability to use as an aid when invited to attend a cervical screening.
Produced by Barnet Mencap in partnership with North Central London Cancer Alliance
An Easy Read guide to cervical screening: An NHS Easy Read booklet with pictures, drawings and text which explains what cervical cancer is, the common symptoms of cervical cancer, what changes in your body you should look for and step by step information about attending a cervical screening or smear test.
This Booklet is available in different languages and formats.
Published by the NHS.
Having a Smear Test: What Is It About - An Easy Read guide with drawings and text explaining why having a smear test is important, your rights, smear test step by step and how to make it as easy as it can be.
Published by Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust
Jo’s Cervical Trust and Public Health England have also produced a helpful short film on attending a cervical screening. This film was designed and made by people with a learning disability to give information about cervical screening and helping women decide whether to attend their screen.
Eve Appeal's EasyRead guide to cervical screenings - Eve Appeal have produced an Easy Read guide for cervical screening including reasonable adjustments that can be requested by people with learning disabilities.
Bowel Screenings
An easy guide to bowel cancer screening: This is an Easy Read guide with pictures, drawings and text on the bowel cancer screening process, benefits of screening, healthy eating and bowel cancer signs and symptoms.
Published by the NHS
There is also a short film produced by the NHS which demonstrates how to use the Bowel Screening (FIT) Kit (English subtitles available).
Breast Screening
Breast Cancer Screening – An Easy Read guide about a health test for women aged 50 and over: An Easy Read guide with pictures, drawings and text on the breast screening process, breast cancer, informed-decision making, and breast cancer signs and symptoms.
Published by the NHS.
Taking care of your breasts - A mini guide: A booklet with drawings and text about being breast aware and knowing how to check and maintain the health of your breasts no matter what your age, size or shape.
Published by Breast Cancer Now - The research and support charity.
Information on all three cancer screening programmes
Published by Beyond Words
Mental Capacity Act
Here are some resources to help us understand the guidance around capacity and consent: