Hate Crime Awareness Training
Understanding what hate crime is and how to report it
We have a designated Hate Crime Reporting Coordinator who can provide information and support on hate crime awareness and reporting.
We offer the following support:
Training Workshops – we can arrange tailored workshops for staff and family members, including support workers and carers, to help them to recognise and identify hate crime and understand how to report it.
Hate Crime Awareness Presentations – we can prepare tailored presentations for groups of Barnet residents, particularly those who may be at risk of experiencing hate crime. We would like to work with groups of adults to raise awareness of:
⦁ disability hate crime
⦁ anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim hate crime
⦁ homophobic, biphobic and transphobic hate crime
Upcoming workshops:
Are we recognising and reporting hate crime against the vulnerable? - Tuesday 16th February 2021 at 2pm on Zoom.
Join us for this webinar on encouraging and supporting vulnerable adults to report hate crime.
To register, follow this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87013110953?pwd=b1NOV3N4aENoS3Nhd09ZNnUwUGI4dz09
Dispute Resolution – we can provide initial advice on mediation or dispute resolution for perpetrators and victims of hate crime who may be known to each other.
Information Materials – we offer guidance on where to find relevant posters and leaflets on hate crime.
Hate Crime on Social Media – the internet is a platform where hate crime is growing. We can provide advice and support on what to do if you experience or are a witness to hate crime on social media platforms.
In an Emergency or if a crime is taking place, always DIAL 999
Barnet says NO to Hate Crime
Be Safe - Get Support - Report It