If you want do do something different, try taking part in the iconic London to Brighton bike ride, Barnet Mencap have 11 spaces on offer!
Click here to sign up to take part now! Signing up costs £55 and we ask that you commit to raising a minimum sponsorship of £150. To take part, it is recommended that you have an average fitness level.
Bookings close on 1st August 2022 so don’t miss out on your chance to take part in this exciting challenge!
If you are not able to participate in the ride, you might be interested in supporting one of our cyclists with a donation. Our previous trustee, Andrew Waite, from Impactful Governance and 2 of his colleagues will cycle from London to Brighton on Sunday 11th September to raise money and awareness of Barnet Mencap.
Any queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at projectsupport@barnetmencap.org.ukor 020 83493842.