Barnet Mencap has produced a package of support to help increase the take up of cancer screening by people with learning disabilities. The package consists of a 20-minute film, Easyread materials and a questionnaire and was launched on 14th January 2021. The project was funded by NCL Cancer Alliance and commissioned by Barnet’s Public Health Team.
Data showed that even with the generally low take up of cancer screening by people with learning disabilities, the figures were low in Barnet. Barnet Mencap and Healthwatch Barnet researched the barriers people faced to accessing cancer screening.
This package focuses on breast, bowel, and cervical cancers. It is aimed at family carers and services which support people with learning disabilities. The film shows people what cancer is, how screening helps people to get an earlier diagnosis, and how treatment and can save lives.
The film features a cast with learning disabilities and health professionals and illustrates why people don’t take up the chance of screening and how they can confidently use the screening services. It shows too what families and paid staff can do to support people with learning disabilities, providing them with information, reassurance, and encouragement.
To access the package, including the video, questionnaire and further resources, head to now!
For more information, contact Barnet Mencap through